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Dr. Garrett Smith's Research Forum

Chronic Insidious Vitamin A Toxicity, aka Hypervitaminosis ALast post
START HERE...Summary, Grant's books, the "rules", the misconceptions, the falsehoodsFoundational knowledge about how this atrocious problem happened and why most of the "understanding" of Poison/"Vitamin A" is incorrect57 Topics · 58 PostsLast post: BioLab in UK finds MANY toxic leve … · 5 years ago · Dr. Garrett Smith
Testimonials / Anecdotes / Recoveries from doing the Poison/"Vitamin A" and Glyphosate DetoxRead (and watch) REAL PEOPLE GETTING REAL RESULTS doing Nutritional Restoration and/or the Poison/"Vitamin A" and Glyphosate Detox Program!29 Topics · 30 PostsLast post: Testimonial: TSH dropping, MANY po … · 6 years ago · Dr. Garrett Smith
Conditions / Diseases / Syndromes caused by Poison/"Vitamin A"Maybe you've had some of these issues, and want to know if they might be connected94 Topics · 95 PostsLast post: Ineligible to donate blood after t … · 6 years ago · Dr. Garrett Smith
Case studies / poisonings / observations about Poison/"Vitamin A" causing poor health and diseaseReal people reporting their observations of their health when on different amounts of Poison/"Vitamin A"44 Topics · 44 PostsLast post: Chris Masterjohn, a case study in … · 5 years ago · Dr. Garrett Smith
Compounds that help protect against and/or detox Poison/"Vitamin A"The first solution to the Poison/"Vitamin A" problem is to CONSUME LESS, the best way to "detox" is to first stop "intox-ing"23 Topics · 23 PostsLast post: C60, aka fullerene, aka BuckyBalls · 5 years ago · Dr. Garrett Smith
Compounds that stimulate Poison/"Vitamin A" activity in a BAD wayThese don't contain actual Poison/"Vitamin A", they just aggravate/exacerbate Vitamin A problems, both in the research and experience31 Topics · 32 PostsLast post: CBD (cannabidiol) increases Poison … · 6 years ago · Dr. Garrett Smith
Are we being purposely poisoned with Poison/"Vitamin A"? Interesting coincidences...If you're suspicious of what is done in the name of "science" these days, you'll want to read these...38 Topics · 38 PostsLast post: South African children are KNOWN t … · 6 years ago · Dr. Garrett Smith
Articles by Dr. Garrett Smith, the "Nutrition Detective"Last post
READ FIRST - Frequently Asked QuestionsThe who, what, why, when, where, philosophy behind this project5 Topics · 5 PostsLast post: Medical Disclaimer · 6 years ago · Dr. Garrett Smith
Product RecommendationsSupport this site and the info it provides by using these affiliate links, organized for your convenience2 Topics · 3 PostsLast post: Click on link to go to product lis … · 5 years ago · Erica PessoSubforums: Ordering through Nutrition Restored and Dr. Garrett Smith · Nutrition Restored Amazon Product List
Glyphosate aka Roundup - pouring gasoline on the Poison/"Vitamin A" fireIncreases Poison/"Vitamin A" toxicity by inhibiting proper detox, chelating important nutrients, and the driver of the modern disease epidemics11 Topics · 11 PostsLast post: Original glyphosate patent documen … · 6 years ago · Dr. Garrett Smith
Chronic Insidious Vitamin A Toxicity, aka Hypervitaminosis ASEE FURTHER DOWN THE PAGE FOR THIS SEPARATE FORUM CATEGORY0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Miscellaneous health topicsAnything that doesn't fit into the other topics above.9 Topics · 11 PostsLast post: Pure veganism is something I NEVER … · 5 years ago · Jordan Herrera
Specific disease conditions and their Clinical Nutrition patternsThe research is out there, and once we have the patterns, the issue can be addressed through testing with precision2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: Alzheimer's Disease, AD · 6 years ago · Dr. Garrett Smith
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