The Problem With Deodorant

Problem with Deodorant

The use of deodorant poses many problems, starting with it being a simple band aid for body odor when body odor can be pinpointed to a mineral deficiency(s), toxicity, or symptom of ill health. Furthermore, many deodorants are filled with carcinogenic compounds, heavy metals, and “vitamin” A (which is actually a poison and not a vitamin at all). In this article, I will go over what body odor can mean (apart from poor overall hygiene) and ways you can address BO.

The Problem With Deodorant: What Body Odor Actually Means

First, if body odor is an actual issue for a person, then they are very likely dealing with a zinc deficiency or a magnesium deficiency, or quite possibly both.  Correcting these internal problems will likely help with the external problem. I cover more about the causes and solutions to body odor in this video:

The Deodorant Problem: Chlorophyll

Next, I do NOT recommend any chlorophyll supplements.  They are NOT normal plant chlorophyll with a magnesium molecule in the center, they are sodium copper chlorophyllin, something quite different and people absolutely do NOT need more copper.

Also, it is important to not use any aluminum-containing or “alum” containing antiperspirants or deodorants, that is, if you would like to keep your brain as free of aluminum poisoning as possible.  The “mineral stick” or “mineral spray” type deodorants nearly always contain alum! Don’t believe the label when it says “aluminum free!” yet has alum in the ingredients…they are lying to your face.

Following are some other suggestions I have compiled:

Since magnesium is a big part of body odor, I tend to like deodorants that have magnesium in them.

Here is what I’m currently using, a magnesium oil + aloe vera gel roll-on.

One can use simple milk of magnesia. Get one without added bleach.

Other non-toxic deodorant options found around the interwebz are below!

Deodorant Replacements:

#1 – Magnesium Oil 

Magnesium oil can also be used, but SHOULD NOT be used if the area is freshly shaved or too sensitive to magnesium oil.

#2 – Coconut Oil & Baking Soda

In my bathroom, I keep a jar of refined coconut oil next to a jar of baking soda, mix a small bit of each into a paste, and apply instead of store-bought deodorant. That’s been my favorite for a few years now and it seems to work very well. I used to pre-mix them and add essential oils, but I find it simplest to just mix a little up each time I use it, and skip the EOs. I actually find the baking soda and coconut oil combination to be much more effective for me to neutralize odor than deodorants with just antibacterial essential oils and no baking soda or coconut oil.

***If you haven’t applied baking soda before, under your arms, I strongly suggest doing a tiny patch test– just apply to a dime-sized area and leave it for maybe 24 hours to see if you react. I have a close family member whose armpits turned very red due to topical baking soda, it looked like it must’ve felt miserable!***

If baking soda isn’t agreeable, a mix of arrowroot powder and refined coconut oil might also be worth a try. But arrowroot may not work as well to deodorize as baking soda would…

#3 – Distilled White Vinegar

I just started using distilled white vinegar (not ACV) as a deodorant. Unbelievably, it works incredibly well… almost better than any deodorant I’ve ever used.

#4 – Freshly Cut Limes

There is this video about using limes as deodorants:

Two other more “typical” deodorants with magnesium:

***I have not checked all the ingredients on them for full “compliance”.

Another one with a good review from a member of the Detox Program:

I hope you find these suggestions useful!

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