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Sweating, and how the natural detox of Poison/"Vitamin A" through the skin causes dermatological problems

There is another thread where it has been shown that the skin itself converts carotenoids into retinyl esters, which then get converted into retinoic acid.  This is important to know before you go into the following.

Retinoic Acid Synthesis and Degradation

Humans obtain vitamin A with diet in the form of retinyl esters from animal sources or β-carotene from plant sources. After absorption, these dietary forms of vitamin A are converted enzymatically into the biologically active metabolite, retinoic acid (RA).

Next, the body does excrete Poison/"Vitamin A" through the sweat and sebaceous (sebum) glands.

In vivo distribution of carotenoids in different anatomical locations of human skin: comparative assessment with two different Raman spectroscopy methods.

CONCLUSION: The present study supports the hypothesis that antioxidative substances; here carotenoids, are secreted via eccrine sweat glands and/or sebaceous glands to the skin surface. Raman spectroscopic methods are an efficient tool to analyze the distribution of carotenoids in the human skin over time and with the Skin Analyzer over different layers of the epidermis. Resonance Raman spectroscopy is suited to analyze deeper parts of the skin.


maximum accumulation occurs in areas with an abundance of sweat glands, such as the nasolabial folds, palms, and soles.
Because carotene is excreted by sebaceous glands and is present in sweat, the yellow pigmentation is particularly noticeable in areas where sweating is marked.

This can also start to explain why eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, rashes, and other skin diseases can be linked to Poison/"Vitamin A" toxicity.  Remember that one type of chemical peel is retinoic acid (aka oxidized form of Poison/"Vitamin A").  See the following:

Retinoic Acid Peel

Chemical Peels may be defined as “controlled wounds” of the skin made by the dermatologist to multiple purposes. They are classified as superficial, medium, and deep according to the depth of penetration of the chemical solution. The deepest the peelings, the best results and the greatest range of complications. [...] For the last decades, retinoic acid has been used in higher concentrations for superficial peelings as an effective and safe tool for the dermatologist.

So...if retinoic acid applied to the outside of the skin causes a "controlled wound" that can be made DEEPER and with MORE COMPLICATIONS, and we now know that the body can DETOX Poison/"Vitamin A" through the skin and sebaceous glands, does it now make sense that these skin problems may very well be A CHEMICAL PEEL FROM THE INSIDE OUT???  The higher the concentration, the more complications and greater severity of damage.  It's all right there, I'm just putting the pieces together.

Dr. Garrett Smith, the "Nutrition Detective"
Licensed Naturopathic Physician (NMD) in Arizona, home of the Love Your Liver program
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