All-trans retinoic acid is increased in the acute phase-related hyporetinemia during Escherichia coli mastitis.
"Furthermore, the study established that profound changes in vitamin A metabolism occur during the acute-phase reaction of coliform mastitis in heifers. The bovine infection model reproduced the acute phase-related hyporetinemia, as previously observed in humans and rats. In addition, all-trans retinoic acid was found to be the most abundant circulating acid isomer during mastitis, providing an indication for a possible key role of all-trans retinoic acid in the modulation of the immune response."
All-trans retinoic acid is increased in the acute phase-related hyporetinemia during Escherichia coli mastitis.
"Furthermore, the study established that profound changes in vitamin A metabolism occur during the acute-phase reaction of coliform mastitis in heifers. The bovine infection model reproduced the acute phase-related hyporetinemia, as previously observed in humans and rats. In addition, all-trans retinoic acid was found to be the most abundant circulating acid isomer during mastitis, providing an indication for a possible key role of all-trans retinoic acid in the modulation of the immune response."